The Tree, the bird, and the Star

최좋은............... 조회 수 11979 추천 수 0 2008.10.19 13:42:31

The Tree, the bird, and the Star.hwp


Once there was a tree in a large field.

A bird lived in the tree.

All day long they talked to each other.


At night they talked to a star in the sky.

One night the star said,

"There are many stars and tall trees on the other side of the river."


The bird said,

"I'm going to fly there. I'm going to bring back many friends."


The bird flew to the other side of the river.

She saw many tall trees and stars.


The bird went to the tallest tree.

"Hi, how are you?" But the tree didn't answer.

"Don't you like me?" The bird sat on the tree.

It was very cold and hard.


Then the bird said to the brightest star,

"Hi, my friend. Are you okay?" The bird touched the star.

It was very hot.


The tree and the star waited for ten days,

but the bird didn't come back.

"Isn't it strange?" said the tree.

"Where's the bird?"

"I have no idea."


One day a black cloud came from the city.

The cloud covered the star. The cloud didn't go away.


Today the tree is still waiting for his friends.

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    본 홈페이지는 조건없이 주고가신 예수님 처럼, 조건없이 퍼가기, 인용, 링크 모두 허용합니다.(단, 이단단체나, 상업적, 불법이용은 엄금)
    *운영자: 최용우 (010-7162-3514) * * 30083 세종특별시 금남면 용포쑥티2길 5-7 (용포리 53-3)
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